I came across this scripture this week and decided that it was meant for me too. After Job went through his trials & had lost everything God blessed him with exactly twice as much as he had before!
When I read this scripture it was as if a light went off. Society would have us think that after a certain age our lives are winding down or becoming less important. But God cared enough about Job to bless him more in the latter part of his life! He had experienced illness, death of family members, criticism of his wife and ridicule by friends. He continued to love God. And God blest the latter part of his life MORE than the first.
I spend way to much time focusing on my faults or the way I think that I have failed God or my husband or my children. And way too little time on how blessed I am or how much God loves me. So I got to pondering my blessings......
I have 3 amazing daughters. All of them beautiful inside & out. Two of them are the most amazing wife's to two incredible young men. They are both great moms to two of the sweetest little babies. One is stepmom to two precious little girls. Being mommy comes so natural to them. They are two of the most loving, kind and nurturing moms I have ever known. The third daughter is bright and beautiful, kind and caring. She is overcoming obstacles & unfairness in life with incredible grace and fortitude. She is an amazing work of God and I am blest to be called her mom.
And then I have David. He is the kindest most compassionate, most tender hearted man I have ever known. He thinks that his tender heart is a weakness. But I think it is his greatest strength. He loves his God, his church, his children, his friends. And he loves me! I love to watch him watching Emily. You can see the love he has for her. I love to watch him at church. His love for God when he praises Him is written all over his face. And when he looks at me, his love for me is there too. He is a man after Gods own heart. And I am so blessed to be his wife.
And that's just a very small bit of the blessings I have. And all of these things God has blessed me with, in the latter part of my life. Don't get me wrong, He blessed the first half but I have sooooo much more now. And I know that it is only getting better.
So THANK YOU God for loving me & blessing me in the latter part of my life - even though I'm not nearly finished with the latter part of my life.
And Happy Anniversary David & thank you for being part of my life and thank you for today. Even though it wasn't the day you had planned for us it was a great day. I love you.