Saturday, September 6, 2008

I've been challanged

I've been challenged in the worst kind of way. The kind where God says "Ok put your faith where your feet are and move it" The kind where I know if anything happens it WILL NOT be by my power but by HOLY SPIRIT power, because there is no way on this earth that I am capable of doing what I am being called to do.

The Calling: To visit our neighbors, 2 gay men, 1 ill and possibly dying. There has been activity over there that suggests there is full time help, maybe hospice. It is not a calling to lecture, preach or judge. Just to love.

The Crying: What if I just have an over active imagination and they have a relative living with them. What if I'm a busy body neighbor that has stuck her nose through the blinds one too many times. What if they don't like my offering? What if they reject me? What if I CAN'T do this. But what if they, like the rest of us, just need to know that they are loved. Maybe one more person needs to give them hope that Jesus came for them just like he came for the prostitutes, thief's, murderers, adulteresses and ME.

THE CAPABLE: It has not been lost on me that this is just a continuation of the lesson I began in Empowering the Ordinary. That our work is only accomplished by relying completely & totally on the Holy Spirit. Do you think that Jesus was afraid that the Rich Young Ruler would reject him, was he embarrassed to confront the Women at the Well? Maybe, maybe not. I do know this, if I don't step out in faith, God will never have the opportunity to show me that HE and HE alone is capable of doing great and wonderful things.

Our cookies are baked (thanks David). Our shoes are on. Now if we can just get our legs to move!

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