Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweetheart

I'm writing this in honor of David's birthday which is Monday. So Happy Birthday to you!!

Emily LOVES Birthdays and Christmas and Easter and anything that you get to buy a gift for. But she is lousy at keeping a secret. So most of the time I will buy the gift and not tell her what it is until the very LAST minute. David hasn't quite learned that trick yet so consequently I usually know what I'm getting before I get it. But pleeeeeassse don't tell her I told because she is absolutely MORTIFIED when she realizes what she has done. But you just can't take back words.

So this year we hatched a plan to give David tickets to take her to an OSU football game. Perfect gift!! She couldn't wait to tell him. So first thing this morning she hit me with "can I give Dad his present". Every protest I had, she had a rebuttal. The best & the one that made me surrender was "I have to tell him this morning because I won't see him tonight & he won't know to come & pick me up in the morning". She had a point, since she was spending the night at Grandpa's & Grandma"s. So she gave him his present this morning. No wrapping, no card. Just two printed tickets handed to Dad by the cutest, most proudest little girl with the biggest, sweetest grin plastered across the most precious face anyone could ever imagine. Now that's what I call a PERFECT gift!!

David, I hope you have a great day. Know that you are loved, today and always.

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