That evening we put Em to bed as usual but she woke up with a tummy ache so she crawled in bed with us & later she & I went to her bed. Apparently, maximum capacity for our bed is 3 people & 2 dogs. I thought she was awfully cuddly but just enjoyed it & forgot all about it.
Tuesday I picked her up from school & she plops in the car and says "Mom, guess what I did at recess today?" What I ask, expecting the same ol' response. But instead she said "I looked for Freddy". OH really, who is Freddy & did you find him? Her response.....
"No, he's dead"
OK, you've got my attention. So I asked her to explain.
Seems she has been playing with a new set of friends at recess. (Oh yeah, I remember she had told me their names last week but I forgot all about it)
Seems they have come up with this tale of Freddy who was murdered, awoke from his grave and began killing little children.
Seems my daughter, bless her little soul. Believes that Freddy is real & is stalking the children on the Key Elementary play ground and apparently knows where we live.
I tried to explain that it is just a story that the kids were making up to scare other kids.
Why would they do that? Because some kids think that it is fun to be scared.
"Well it's not. And besides I know it's true. London went to the boiler room with Mr. Travis" (the janitor). And how that proves that there is a child named Freddy killing kids is beyond me. But in her 10 year old mind it made perfect sense.
Then she pulled out her finale, most important, piece of fact that PROVED Freddy was real.
A folded piece of paper where she had pain stackingly copied word for word the note that her friend had shown her. (double click to see it clearly)
My favorite is Freddy's weaknesses -
Silver - will freeze him
Fire - will bring him to a fire place.
Then to add a convincing twist (and obviously a sign of the times) they listed a website: www:freddy'
I pounced on that one. Let's look up the website. And of course there was no such website.
But that sparked a whole new batch of, "But I know it's true because they also said there is a Bloody Mary. Oh yeah, I remember now. She mentioned a week or so ago that she knew what a bloody mary was. (How long has this been going on?)
Then I got the brillant idea to look up Freddy on After all they couldn't be the first school age kids to come up with him.
There wasn't anything about Freddy but Bloody Mary was indeed on Snopes. My plan almost back fired though. Cause the minute she saw something come up about Bloody Mary her eyes got wide and she said "See I told you it was real".
I spent some time explaining what a legend was & how people just keep telling the story over & over as if it were true.
I'm not sure she totally believes me. I explained to her that we don't believe that people wake up from the grave because we know that Jesus did and once we die we go to live with him & who would want to come back from that.
Then we spent her bed time reading scripture & talking about how this is a perfect example of why the bible says we should think about things that are good & pure & not about things that are evil. And about how God will deliever us from the grasp of evil & cruel men.
I'd like to say that it worked wonders and maybe it did. But sleeping with Momma & Daddy, at least for as long as Dad could stand it, worked the best.
Now where are those evil children.......................
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